Monday, July 20, 2009

Too Difficult to handle???

What is more difficult to handle than a misplaced old, favorite book when you want to read it, a ton of clothes to wash, a sink-full of dishes to clean, pouring rain when you have just put on your best dress?? No idea?? Well, I will tell you. A pissed off Dad.. Trust me, worse than the worst hangover, Worse-er than a grumpy bear with a sore head…

A trip to Shillong can never be complete without a full fledged, all day long shopping spree. Hence imagine my state of mind when told that I had only an hour and a half to shop - bags, shoes, sandals whatever I want.. I know.. it was sheer panic.. The whole of police bazaar, Glory plaza in just an hour and a half? You gotta be kidding me right??

Anyways, an hour and a half it is then. I did not want to waste any time cribbing, so off I went, dragging Ashu, my mom, and dad, who till this point of time was in a pretty ok mood, (ok.. maybe just a little tired) but seems to be getting a little edgy, apprehensive and moody at the sound of the dreaded S word (Shopping).

My first stop, the flip flops and flats shop. The guy at the counter SURE knows what would flip ME out - Cute Red Flip flops, the lightweight, Thai ones, with cartoons painted on them. I was sold. “185” he says. “No no, I’ll give you only 100” I retort. I am warming up to this. I rarely get to bargain in Bangalore, and I am just starting to have fun. Suddenly I hear Ashu Ahem and Err...Nudged by him, I turn to my dad who looks at me like I have suddenly sprouted horns. “What??” I ask. “Have you lost your mind?? 100 bucks for a hawai chappal? They are not worth more than 40 bucks..“ He screams. I look around for my mom for help. She seems to have disappeared. Ashu dear refuses to meet my eye. Left alone to face my dad’s ire, I just smile my sweetest smile at him, and give the guy 100 bucks, grab out my brand new, not to mention, Cute chappals and walk out, before things get murkier.

Maybe he is just tired or maybe its the travel. Hell, he might be hungry, I should hurry. I can feel his temper rising by the minute, his eyes following me as I walk from shop to shop, indulging myself. Not for long though, as I lose myself in the pleasures of running my hand through scarves, trying on shoes, checking out bags. Suddenly, I stop. The most stylish & chic pair of sandals stare at me from a store. I can hear them calling out to me. I try them on, and they fit. I absolutely have to, have to have them. “750 Rs Madam”. “Not more than 400”. “Ok lets settle at 450 madam”. I look up happily at Ashu, who is pulling out his wallet and yawning at the same time. And then, I make the mistake of looking at my dad and I remember exactly why I promised myself never to take my dad along when I am on one of my wild shopping sprees. Foreseeing a lecture on how I have enough shoes to shod the entire population of Ghana, I put my head down and mumble “Its ok. I don’t want them.”

Now coming from me, that IS a BIG thing. Hubby dear’s yawn is frozen midway, he looks as though he’s been struck by lightning. “WHAT?” “I don’t want them”, I say nonchalantly. “Lets go..” I notice the relieved (or is it smug) expression on my dad’s face, and though I am a little disappointed at not picking up the most sexy, suave pair of sandals I had ever set my eyes on, I convince myself I have done the right thing.

As I mope around, wondering if I will ever find a pair of sandals that elegant and at that cost ever again, I notice Ashu trying to catch my eye. I go over to the corner where he is standing, and let out a silent hoot of joy.. he’s secretly got me the coveted pair of sandals. “Quick!! Put this in your bag!!” Isn’t he a sweetheart.. I am thrilled to bits. Now I know why we are still going strong after close to a decade of being together. …Hmm, or maybe, wait a minute.. Maybe it was just him being cautious, coz a pissed off father in law and a sulking wife, are definitely a lot more difficult to handle than a dozen missed deadlines, grocery shopping on a lazy Saturday afternoon, BESCOM disconnecting the fuse coz you have forgotten to pay the electricity bill and, pouring rain when you have just spent an hour washing the bike..…


joshy said...

This one comes from your heart ..
he he..dads will be dads!!
ashu is the night in shining armour in all ur blogs and u tell me why not!!
nice..nice..even i got a shock when u said u refused to buy that chappals(whats with gals and this fetish ...i never understand..not that i understand the former that much)!!

Rashmi said...

Oh Puleez.. DO i need to list all the fetishes u guys have - Cars, Bikes, Tech talk, gadgets.. Come on!! its the way god intends us to be.. Every1 is entitled to their own fancies.. :P

newatthis said...

ok so now i can be girlie and ask...where are those shoes????